Monday, November 29, 2010

Hi Ant and classmates!

Hi! Stanley noticed the money that we use here in Italy is not the same as in the United States. We don't use dollars, we use Euros. 1 Euro is equal to about $1.35.


  1. Dear Dawn, Thanks So Much for all the cool stuff you are doing with Stanley over in Italy. We really liked looking at the money and seeing how different it is from ours. We enjoy reading your comments on our blog. HOpe your family had a nice Holiday! ANT

  2. Dear Dawn,
    Thank you for showing the different kinds of money they use in Italy. We are going to be studying money soon in Math class!
    Ant and the Class of 2021

  3. Hello Bull -

    I am so excited to read all these cool blog postings.

    Did you enjoy reading the book "Adventures of Flat Stanley"? That sounds like a fun book.

    Take care!

    Talk to you later,

  4. I'm enjoying the adventures of Flat Stanley. I'm glad you invited me to be part of your blog. I hope you are enjoying learning about all the places that Flat Stanley is visiting.
    Talk to you soon!
    Mrs. Tillma
