Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hello again from Denver, CO. Flat Stanley and I made our way to the Denver Public Library today in order to get some homework done before the Thanksgiving holiday gets here! What is everyone doing back in South Dakota for Thanksgiving? I hope eating lots of turkey and mashed potatoes! Flat Stanley and I will be spending our Thanksgiving working, because the sick people in the hospital need to be taken care of! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I miss you Cow!

Attached are the pictures of the outside of the Denver Public Library and of Flat Stanley inside the library with all of the hundreds of thousands of books! I promise Flat Stanley's adventures will become a bit more exciting in the days to come! :-)



  1. Hi Aunt Leigh~

    This is cow. Thanks for taking Flat Stanley to the library. I wish I could go there with you. I hope you got to eat some turkey at the hospital for Thanksgiving. We sure did eat alot.

    Love and miss you!


  2. Dear Leigh,
    The Denver is a lot bigger than the Castlewood Library. We go to the library every Thursday at 2:40 to check out good books. What kind of books are you and Flat Stanley reading in Denver? We just got done reading the Henry and Mudge books and are now going to be reading the Arthur books. Glad you had a happy Thanksgiving!
    Cow and the Class of 2021

  3. Hi Leigh~

    I too would like to know what kind of books you are reading at the library. I have been in the library in Castlewood and Denver's is quite a bit larger.

    I hope you get a chance to take Flat Stanley on some exciting adventures soon and we look forward to following the story.



  4. Flat Stanley and I are currently reading many "Ethics of Nursing" books. VERY exciting stuff. I know Flat Stanley is enjoying it, but he is ready for some real adventures! We will be taking one very soon as we fly on a teeny tiny airplane to South Dakota for Christmas! We will take pictures when that happens!
