Flat stanley and I have been very busy we flew into Denver, CO and stayed in downtown for the weekend. Denver is the Capitol of Colorado and is known as the Mile High City because it's elevation is 5,280 feet an exact mile.
Flat Stanley and I went shopping at the 16th Steet Mall which is an all outdoor mall that is over a mile long.
This Flat Stanley waiting for the bus.
We had a great time and Denver and we will report back with more adventures soon!
Sounds like you and Flat Stanley are having fun in Denver. We heard that Peyton Manning is the new QB for the Broncos and that Tim Tebow is now going to play for the NY Jets. I suppose you heard that a lot in Denver huh? If you spot Peyton Manning in Denver, tell him he is Ms. Appl's favorite FB player!!
Lemur and the Class of 2022