I traveled in a big semi-truck to Texas to pick up a load of bees!! I started in South Dakota, then went through Nebraska and Kansas before stopping to take a picture in Oklahoma-then on the way to Texas. When I got to Texas, my uncle thought it would be funny to take my picture beside some beehives! There were thousands of them!!! They were crawling all over me!! Did you know that there is only one "boss" of a bee hive and she is called "The Queen Bee"! All of the other bees work for her. After Texas, I helped load the bees to take them to California to pollinate the orchards to make the food grow in the orchards. Now I am traveling to Mississippi with more bees. After that, back to California for another load of bees. I have been a Busy Bee!!!
Love the "Busy Bee" joke! Hopefully you and Flat Stanley did NOT get stung by any of those bees?? Thank you for the information on bees! We did not know that there was only one Queen Bee!
Koala and the Class of 2022