Sunday, January 13, 2013

Flat Stanley arrives in Scotland!

Hi!  I'm Tricia (Mrs. Halling's daughter) and Flat Stanley arrived at my apartment in Edinburgh, Scotland on Saturday.

This morning, Flat Stanley braved the wind and rain to walk with me to the Stockbridge Farmer's Market.  We bought some groceries for the week and headed back home.

When the weather's better, I'll make sure Flat Stanley visits some of the more exciting places in town.  So far, the thing that's been most surprising to him is how dark Scotland is this time of year.  Just like in South Dakota, the days get shorter in the winter.  Since Scotland is so far north, the sun doesn't come up until 8:30 in the morning and it sets at 3:30 in the afternoon.  Flat Stanley was excited to find out that we'll be flying to Portugal on Thursday.  Hopefully we'll have a few days of sunshine there!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tricia,
    We were excited to find out that Flat Stanley traveled across the Atlantic Ocean just to get to you! We were just studing about oceans in Social Studies. We are so glad that he made it safely to you and wasn't eaten by sharks! UGH! Hopefully you will have some sunshine coming your way soon!
    Class of 2023
