Hi Jackalope and friends! I hope you are all doing well and having fun in school! Jackalope and I had a fun weekend. One of my college friends came down for the weekend and we went to Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday.
We went shopping at the mall. Flat Stanley didn't like how much time we spent in some of the stores so he took a nap in my bag. We also went out to eat at The Cheesecake Factory! Flat Stanley thought the cheesecake looked delicous.
At Jordan Creek Mall is Des Moines Yummy Cheesecake from
with my friend Cassie the Cheesecake Factory!
After the mall we went to the Iowa Events Center and watched PBR! Flat Stanley loved watching all the bull riders. It was very exciting and he even saw a bull rider up close. Stanley collected some PBR trading cards and is going to take them with him when he returns to 2nd grade :)
At the professional bull riding event :)

Watching the bulls and bull riders!
I suppose Flat STanley did not get a chance to ride any of the bulls huh? That looks like it would have been dangerous! How long was the longest bull ride? Can't wait to see the PBR cards!
Jackalope and the Class of 2022