Monday, February 20, 2012

Ape goes skiing

I ventured out to Alexandria, MN w/ my new friends.  You can't see me because I am bundled up inside my friends' coats to keep warm.  It was sooooo cold that day!!  But, we had lots of fun, and i enjoyed watching these 3 girls ski for the 1st time.  I hope I can be here when they try again before spring!


  1. Ape said skiing looks super fun and Ape also said that would she like to try it sometime and she hopes you enjoyed it!! love, Ape and the class of 2022

  2. Tell Ape that she can come w/ us skiing next time. She would have so much fun!

  3. Did Flat Stanley get even more flattened when the girls fell down skiing?? Hopefully he will get to try it on his own sometime! Happy Spring!
    Ape and the Class of 2022
