Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bull's Flat Stanley Goes to Work

Flat Stanley sends his greetings from Minnesota and wanted you to know that he got to go to work with me today and was the hit of the office! Then...after lunch he got to attend a meeting with me at our central office in St. Paul. I am an office manager in a division with the State of MN and he learned how our call centers and computer systems integrate to assist people who contact us for help. On the way to St. Paul he saw big buildings and even had to go through the metal detector at our central office building so we could get clearance to get into the conference area. He had a very busy day!!

He will bring the camera on our next adventure so we can send you a picture.

Love you Bull!!

Aunt Jan


  1. Aunt Jan,
    Sounds like Flat Stanley had an exciting day at your office! We heard that St. Paul had a very big blizzard this weekend! Flat Stanley is a good shoveler so please have him help you with the snow! We would love to see a picture of that! Also, did you see the Metrodome caved in?
    Bull and the Class of 2021

  2. Hello Bull and classmates...we had close to a foot of snow here and even though it was beautiful to look at we do have some shoveling to do. Flat Stanley will be helping us finish and we will send pictures of his shoveliing abilities. The roof of the metrodome looks pretty bad...Fox 9 News had live pictures of the snow crashing onto the floor when the roof collapsed and it was very loud!
    Bye for now...love, Aunt Jan
