Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ant's Flat Stanley has his Final Italian Adventure

Hi Ant and everyone! Flat Stanley accompanied our family as we traveled to some more fun places in Italy. One stop we made was in Pisa to view the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

We also traveled by ferry to visit the Island of Elba. It is the 3rd largest island of Italy and very beautiful. An interesting fact about the island is that the French emporer, Napolean was exiled there for 300 days.

Below: This is the ferry that we took to reach Elba. You can see how the ferry opens to let vehicles on and off.

Below: Stanley views a beach and the Tyrrhenian Sea on Elba from a scenic overlook.

Below: Stanley enjoyed exploring the beach. It was not a sandy beach, but it had many beautiful rounded rocks that my boys collected.

Below: There were many boats in the harbor at Elba. This is one that caught Stanley's eye.

We also visited the city of Genova (Genoa). It is where Christopher Columbus was born.

Below: Flat Stanley poses by the harbor with some of the city in the background.

Our big adventure in Genova was visiting the aquarium. There was a wide variety of aquatic exhibits to see and Stanley posed for pictures near some of his favorites.

Below: This is a longcomb sawfish.
Below: A manatee swims behind Stanley.
Below: This is a skate that was in a touch pool. Although it came near us, it never came close enough for us to touch it.

All in all, we had a fun time as we visited Pisa, Elba, and Genova. From the smile on Stanley's face, I can tell that he had fun too.

Thank you Ant for letting us host Flat Stanley for you. He was the perfect guest. He is preparing for his journey back to South Dakota and will see you soon. Take Care!

Your Friend,


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Flat Stanley visits Vatican City

Hi Ant and classmates! Flat Stanley recently had a fun adventure visiting Vatican City. Vatican City is enclosed within a wall in the city of Rome and it is the home to the pope.

This picture was taken outside Vatican City and it gives you a pretty good idea of what the walls are like all around it.

We visited the Vatican Museums first. The museums are housed in palaces originally built for wealthy Renaissance popes. Parts of these are decorated with wonderful frescoes by the finest painters of the age---especially the Sistine Chapel.

Among all of the different collections at the museums, the most fascinating to my kids were the Egyptian displays.

Above: Stanley checks out some Egyptian artwork.

Below: Yes, that is a real mummy! The containers above the mummy are canopic jars which hold the body organs.

Below: Stanley and the boys pose in front of a limestone sarcophagus.

Below: We thought this was interesting. This is a bronze hollow statue of a cat goddess with the mummy of the cat within it.

After touring the museums, we were off to visit St. Peter's Basilica. In the picture below you can see how impressive it is!

The picture below shows a view of St. Peter's square from the front of the St. Peter's Bascilica.

Aren't these the most interesting uniforms? These men are Swiss Guards and are responsible for the safety of the pope.

I think Flat Stanley enjoyed his visit to Vatican City. We hope to have one final adventure with Stanley before returning him home to Ant. We'll check in with you again soon!

Monday, March 21, 2011

To my dearest Duck, This is the first part of the story about Stanley's trip to India

First of all I want to apologise to everyone especially Duck, because it took me sooo long to upload the pictures of Stanley. Unfortunately I didn't have a chance or time to upload pictures during my stay in India.
Now that I'm back home in Germany I have enough time to tell Stanley's tale!

Stanley was lucky enough to travel India on a Royal Enfield with me up until Christmas. On the December 25th a tragic accident happened, Stanley was stolen with my handbag, but luckily I was able to take some pictures before that happened.

He was staying with me in McLeod Ganj, Northindia (6,831 feet).
What is so special about this place?- Well, it is known as "Little Lhassa" due to its large population of Tibetan Refugees. The Tibetan government in exile is headquartered in McLeod Ganj.
But the most spec
ial fact about this place is that His Holiness The Dalai Lama lives in McLeod Ganj, he is the spiritual leader of all Tibetan Buddhist people. In the picture on the right you can see Stanley in a Buddhist temple next to the Tibetan prayer wheels.

This is Stanley on beautiful Sunday morning, having English breakfast on my favourite roof top restaurant in McLeod Ganj. He was enjoying the warm weather very much, considering that back home during November it is VERY cold!

Stanley was a big part of my daily life! Everyday he was with me when I volunteered at the Rogpa Shop & Cafe.
Rogpa is Charitable Trust, where volunteers sell coffee, tea and pastries, to financially support the
Rogpa Baby Care Center.
Single mothers from the Tibetan community send their kids to the
Rogpa Baby Care Center for free, so they can attend work and make a living.
Stanley was helping me every day prepare tea and coffee for the customers and also he would help me bake the brownies and other cakes I had to prepare for the day.
In the background you can see the lovely manager of the cafe, Sangmo, she also like Duck very much!

Tomorrow you get the second part of
Stanley 's India travel....

Hugs & Kisses


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bull's Flat Stanley's Final Trip with Pictures

The last city that Bull's Flat Stanley visited was the City of San Antonio, Texas. One of the unique things about San Antonio is that it has a River Walk that runs through downtown and is just beautiful. We took Flat Stanley on a river boat and walking tour.

The guide on our boat tour was happy to pose with Flat Stanley and made him an integral part of the tour. He had a lot of fun with Flat Stanley, who even met people from England and Australia.

While we were touring the river, a lady was walking along the area and when I held Flat Stanley up to take a picture she waved and said, "Hello Flat Stanley, welcome to San Antonio", we thought that was really awesome.

As you can see from these pictures, it is just a beautiful place to visit. We ate lunch at a beautiful outdoor restaurant and Flat Stanley enjoyed listening to Hispanic music played at our table by two wonderful musicians. was on to the Alamo. Flat Stanley was very lucky because a Texas Ranger was happy to pose with and welcome him to the Alamo.

The Alamo is beautiful and has several other buildings in the courtyard. There is a Library and the courtyard is filled with beautiful flowers, trees and shrubs. It has been preserved and is a vital piece of Texas history. I sign off for the last time, Bull's Flat Stanley wants to tell you how much fun he had, how many places he visited and most importantly how much history he learned about our country. Thank you for the opportunity that we had to take Flat Stanley on all of his adventures.

I love you Bull, and hope you enjoyed reading all about our travels.

Aunt Jan

Bull's Flat Stanley's Final Adventure

Greetings Bull and Classmates,

I want to thank you for the opportunity to spend the last few months sharing adventures with Bull's Flat Stanley. It has been so much fun and I want to let you all know that many people, every where we went, did know about Flat Stanley and they were always excited to see and hear about his travels.

The final adventure that we shared with Flat Stanley was in San Antonio, Texas. We went on a tour of the RiverWalk, which is miles of waterway through downtown San Antonio, which is a city steeped in culture and beauty.