My second grade class just finished reading the book Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. We are now starting our Flat Stanley Project by sending our Flat Stanleys on an adventure to different host families around the nation. The purpose of this blog is to easily share Flat Stanley's adventures with students, parents, and host families.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Ant's Flat Stanley has his Final Italian Adventure

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Flat Stanley visits Vatican City
This picture was taken outside Vatican City and it gives you a pretty good idea of what the walls are like all around it.
We visited the Vatican Museums first. The museums are housed in palaces originally built for wealthy Renaissance popes. Parts of these are decorated with wonderful frescoes by the finest painters of the age---especially the Sistine Chapel.
Among all of the different collections at the museums, the most fascinating to my kids were the Egyptian displays.
Below: Yes, that is a real mummy! The containers above the mummy are canopic jars which hold the body organs.
Below: Stanley and the boys pose in front of a limestone sarcophagus.
Below: We thought this was interesting. This is a bronze hollow statue of a cat goddess with the mummy of the cat within it.
Monday, March 21, 2011
To my dearest Duck, This is the first part of the story about Stanley's trip to India
First of all I want to apologise to everyone especially Duck, because it took me sooo long to upload the pictures of Stanley. Unfortunately I didn't have a chance or time to upload pictures during my stay in India.
Now that I'm back home in Germany I have enough time to tell Stanley's tale!
Stanley was lucky enough to travel India on a Royal Enfield with me up until Christmas. On the December 25th a tragic accident happened, Stanley was stolen with my handbag, but luckily I was able to take some pictures before that happened.
He was staying with me in McLeod Ganj, Northindia (6,831 feet).
What is so special about this place?- Well, it is known as "Little Lhassa" due to its large population of Tibetan Refugees. The Tibetan government in exile is headquartered in McLeod Ganj.
But the most special fact about this place is that His Holiness The Dalai Lama lives in McLeod Ganj, he is the spiritual leader of all Tibetan Buddhist people. In the picture on the right you can see Stanley in a Buddhist temple next to the Tibetan prayer wheels.
This is Stanley on beautiful Sunday morning, having English breakfast on my favourite roof top restaurant in McLeod Ganj. He was enjoying the warm weather very much, considering that back home during November it is VERY cold!
Stanley was a big part of my daily life! Everyday he was with me when I volunteered at the Rogpa Shop & Cafe.
Rogpa is Charitable Trust, where volunteers sell coffee, tea and pastries, to financially support the Rogpa Baby Care Center.
Single mothers from the Tibetan community send their kids to the Rogpa Baby Care Center for free, so they can attend work and make a living.
So Stanley was helping me every day prepare tea and coffee for the customers and also he would help me bake the brownies and other cakes I had to prepare for the day.
In the background you can see the lovely manager of the cafe, Sangmo, she also like Duck very much!
Tomorrow you get the second part of Stanley 's India travel....
Hugs & Kisses
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Bull's Flat Stanley's Final Trip with Pictures

Well...as I sign off for the last time, Bull's Flat Stanley wants to tell you how much fun he had, how many places he visited and most importantly how much history he learned about our country. Thank you for the opportunity that we had to take Flat Stanley on all of his adventures.
Bull's Flat Stanley's Final Adventure
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Bull's Flat Stanley Adventures in the South
In 1871 the Army closed the fort and in1872 the Federal Court moves in due to the lawlessness in the area. In 1875 Judge Isaac C. Parker arrives to dispense justice. He was known as the "Hanging Judge" and the gallows from which many people were hung is on the right. In 1896 Judge Parker died and in 1961 Congress authorizes Fort Smith National Historic Site.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hello from Florida!
We saw Native American dancers and folk singers. We also were able to go into The Mennello Museum of American Art and saw some fun art.
At the end of the day, Newt had to rest on a chair outside. It was a fun, but exhausting day!